Directed by Yu Miao and Produced by Zhang Yibai, Kill Mobile features a roster of veterans, including Tong Dawei, Ma Li, Ming Xi, Huo Siyan, Qiao Shan, Tian Yu and Dai Lele.
The film is the Chinese remake of a 2016 Italian highly-rated comedy Perfect Strangers. Directed by Paolo Genovese, Perfect Strangers earned a great reputation and popularity. It scored over 16 million euros and won David di Donatello for Best Film. Its copyright has been sold to the team of Kill Mobile in 2016. After three years’ hard work, it will be in cinemas on 29 December 2018 in Australia and New Zealand and 28 December 2018 in North America, distributed by Tangren Cultural Film Group.
Director Yu Miao and Screenwriter Li Xiao are a couple in real life. Thanks to that, they cooperated pretty well. The film crew made a great effort to reinvent the content to assimilate it to China’s contemporary culture and life. Thus, it struke chord with most people in relationship once the trailer was released.
The film tells a story that seven friends get together for dinner and decide to play a game where they must share all messages and calls of their cell phones. Throughout the evening, WeChat messages, phone calls and APP notifications are coming out continuously. Hilarity and drama ensue together as everyone’s secrets are unveiled and the seven friends find themselves more like strangers to each other.
Cast of Kill Mobile
Kill Mobile mixes comedy with realism in a perfect way. It is not just a comedy, but also provokes people into thinking seriously about the trust issue led by smart phone and human nature. Should partners share phones with each other? Does sharing everything mean trust? Where is the line that couples should not cross? No one’s perfect. The cell phone is a good place to keep secrets; at the same time, it also has the potential to ruin people’s relationship. 12 December, it’s time to find out more hidden secrets in cinemas.
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