The live-action film adaptation of Oku Hiroya’s sci-fi manga Inuyashiki was officially released on April 20, 2018 in Japan. The film was directed by Satou Shinsuke. In the film, Inuyashiki (Noritake Kinashi) came across a murderous antagonist, Shishigami Hiro (Satou Takeru), who experienced the same transformation as he did.
The film follows Inuyashiki Ichirou, a senior workman who was not respected both in his workplace and in his family. He thought he would end his life in a pathetic way when he found out he had the terminal cancer. However, one fateful night, mysterious object falling from space gave him a second chance. His body was replaced by an incredibly powerful, but still outwardly human, mechanical body. He then realised the superpower of his body and decided to use his power to heal those with incurable diseases and punish criminals.
Inuyashiki Ichirou
Inuyashiki was a hit manga series debut in the January 2014 on Kodansha’s seinen manga magazine. There are digital and English version of the 10-volume series. The anime miniseries can also be viewed on Amazon Prime Video. This can made sure that the film was promoted worldwide. In addition, Japan is the country with the most elderly population in the world. Inuyashiki demonstrated that people have been underestimating senior citizens, but actually they have eaten more salt than you have of rice.
Shishigami Hiro
Inuyashiki was one of the Jury Selections of the Manga Division at the 18th Japan Media Arts Festival Awards. It was also picked as a nominee for Best Comic for the 44th annual Angoulême International Comics Festival held in 2016. It also won the Golden Raven at the 2018 Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival.
The Japanese live action film Inuyashiki was distributed by Tangren Cultural Group on May 31 in Australia and New Zealand.
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