Curiosity is the desire to know about new things and the desire to acquire the information that you don’t know. Everyone is curious about something. So are the couple in the film of Kill Mobile.
Kill Mobile revolves around couples trying to look through each other’s phones. The recently released trailer aroused people’s curiosity. Li Nan (Huo Siyan) was chasing her husband Wu Xiaojiang (Qiao Shan) since she doubted that some secrets were hidden in his phone.
The cell phone is like a knife, which pierces through our life. Whether lovers should look through each other’s phone or not has trigged a debated recently. A cell phone can make long distance relationship become possible, while on the other hand, it can also be the destructive destroyer.
Should we look through our partner’s Phone? This is a controversial question. It may be ethically wrong if you snoop on your partner’s phone. How to deal with a partner who tries to hide things from you? What if he or she told you a white lie and doesn’t want you to find out? Maybe turning a blind eye to it would be the best way to deal with the situation. It is not just the cat: curiosity may kill your relationship.
Husband and Wife
“Why do you think women are so interested in men’s mobile phones?” In the movie, Qiao Shan is a person who is addicted to his cell phone and he doesn’t want his wife to look at his phone. That’s why his wife asked the above question.
Kill Mobile gives an answer to the question regarding whether couples should look through each other’s phone. Whatever you choose, you must take responsibilities for your own choice. To be or not to be, that is a dilemma.
Having A Video Chat
The movie is starring by Tong Dawei, Ma Li, Ming Xi, Huo Siyan, Qiao Shan, Tian Yu and Dai Lele. Kill Mobile is directed by Yu Miao, and the executive producer is Zhang Yibai. The movie will be in cinemas on 29 December.