An unexpected box-office hit, A or B, caught audiences eyes during the screening season of Chinese Labour Day in 2018. A or B is a crime film that was distributed by Tangren Cultural Film Group in Australia and New Zealand on 3 May 2018.
Zhong Xiaonian (Xu Zheng) is a billionaire and he was kidnapped by a mysterious man. He was trapped in a house and he had to keep making decisions between two dilemmatic choices which not only related to himself, but also fates of his friends and family. In the decision-making process, Zhong fell into a trap. He suffered huge property loss. His reputation was damaged, and he even put his wife Wei Simeng in danger. In order to clear his name and save his wife, Wu launched a game about life, death and redemption with the mysterious man.
Searching for Clues
A or B was a crime film directed and written by Ren Pengyuan, produced by Xu Zheng, and starring Xu Zheng, Wang Likun, Wang Yanhui, and Bowen Duan. Xu Zheng, the leading actor, changed his comic image of bald head to that of a man with hair. The actors and actress in the film contributed their excellent acting performance. Apart from that, the love story between Zhong and Wei touched many movie viewers.
Movie Poster
In addition to the wonderful storyline, A or B is of the high standard cinematography, graphic design and costume. “It’s a very well-produced film and I enjoyed watching it,” one netizen remarked.
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