Directed by Alan Mak and produced by Felix Chong, Hong Kong crime film Integrity is going to debut during the 2019 Lunar New Year holidays. The film features Hong Kong Star Actor Nick Cheung as the key witness Hui Chik-yiu, who flies to Australia to avoid the trial. Since many scenes were actually filmed in Australia, Cheung had to cope with the snowy weather and the jet lag when filming. What’s more, the lines of this role include many historical data and jargons about economy and the law, so it is not an easy job even for an experienced and award-winning actor like him. “Of all the movies I played in, this one has the most dialogues. My lines in this film are more than the lines in my previous three films combined together!” Cheung admitted in an interview. Nevertheless, the actor still showed confidence in his performance, saying that “I’m not scared. Don’t feel nervous for me! As long as I prepare in advance, it would be OK.”
Official movie poster of Integrity
A Star with Solid Acting Talent
Nick Cheung is a Hong Kong actor and director whose acting talent is highly recognized as he won the Best Actor in the Hong Kong Film Awards twice and the Best Actor in the Golden Horse Awards once. While his fame was built on Wong Jing’s comedy at first, he has changed his acting style for more sombre roles since 2003. As a former police officer, he has starred in various action films and crime films and is well known for his roles in Beast Stalker (2008) and Unbeatable (2013), both of which has allowed him to win several awards, including Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award for Best Actor and many more.
Nick Cheung starred as Hui Chik-yiu
Both an Actor and a Director
Since winning the Best Actor awards, Nick Cheung has turned himself into a director in addition to acting. He has played in his self-directed films include Hungry Ghost Ritual (2014), Keeper of Darkness (2015), and The Trough (2018.) In an interview, he revealed that as an actor and a director, he paid extra attention to the costumes and the scenes and would try acting out all the roles in person, so as to set up a role model for his actors.
With this whole-hearted devotion in both acting and film making, it is certain that Cheung’s performance in Integrity will once again surprise the audience.