MOVIE NEWS IP Works Became A Big Hit in China, and the Rise of IP Reflects the Prosperity of Chinese Film Industry admin2019年1月18日2019年1月18日 The term IP is frequently used by Chinse film industry. Many people may have no idea about what the IP is. Actually, IP stands for I... 01.9K
MOVIE NEWS With Over RMB100 Million Box Office, the Chinese IP Film Mojin Has Blown Everyone’s Mind admin2019年1月18日2019年1月18日 As a sequel to the Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe directed by Lu Chuan and the Mojin: The Lost Legend directed by Wuershan in 2015,... 02.3K
CORPORATE BOOKING Mojin: the Worm Valley Premiere in Brisbane admin2019年1月17日2019年1月22日 Time: 30 December 2018 Location: Hoyts Sunnybank 025
CORPORATE NEWS Mojin: The Worm Valley – Join Hands with TANGREN to Start a Journey of Adventure in Cinemas admin2018年12月31日2019年1月9日 Tangren Cultural Film Group (TANGREN) held a private screening event for the film of Mojin: The Worm Valley on 30 December 2018 in S... 01.3K
MOVIE NEWS Mojin Six Take You to the Tomb of an Ancient King – A World with Unknown Dangerous admin2018年12月29日2018年12月29日 The film of Moji is directed by Fei Xing and will be released on 29 December 2018. The film revolves around six people’s adventure.... 01.7K
MOVIE NEWS New Movie Posters of Mojin was Released Recently – the Pontifex Maximus Comes to the Screen for the First Time admin2018年12月24日2018年12月24日 Mojin is adapted from the novel of the Adventures of Three Tomb Raiders: Yunnan Worm Valley. The recently released poster has shown... 01.7K